Being a wife/partner/Mum/Nana can take precedence for women. And don't get me wrong, people do come first . But so often a woman is heading towards something and is diverted by a family crisis, or something as mundane as the grocery shopping and planning food for the next week!
I think this applies to male and female artists as well.The male painters I know have often just gone ahead and painted ,without worrying how they'll make the time. So often women take up painting once their children are raised, by which time grandchildren may be on the way, elderly parents require care, husbands are retiring, and a whole new raft of responsibilities appear.
I remember reading that Claude Monet made his family help carry all of his painting gear down to the beach each day so that he could paint the same view at the same time every day, and presumably they then had to lug it all back up again. I bet that Mme. Monet was hoping for a few minutes to do her sewing or gardening before she had to get his dinner on the table!Or possibly even do some painting herself.
I'm very lucky that I have an incredibly supportive husband who waits patiently on the side of the road while I sketch, brings me food and drink if I'm out painting, listens to my ideas, patches up my ego when it's bruised - and most importantly, never complains about the state of the house and garden if I'm busy painting.
So I guess you have to find a balance between making time to create , and only being distracted from that by the things which are really more important.
Today is what is real - don't put off your creative urges until you have time , it may never happen!