Are there any other Travelling Wilbury fans out there? Do you remember Bob Dylan croaking "Look out your window, the grass ain't green, it's kinda yellow, see what I mean?" . Greens in nature are not flat colours, the longer you look at bush the more subtle (and sometimes not so subtle), colours you will see in what you initially thought of as green. I don't own any tubes of green paint. When I want to paint something green I put on a bit of blue, a splash of yellow, often a touch of red - and voila! Here are some of my favourite mixes.... and a few gumleaves which I've been playing around with today - which actually don't have any green on them! So, look out your window ....what can you see?
AuthorWife, mother, nana, gardener, my full profile here. CategoriesArchives
July 2016