BC I had it in my head that once the signs were down and the studio locked I'd peacefully paint - good intentions , but once I'd staggered over and lit the fire there each morning I'd stagger back into the house again and curl up with a book!
Then this morning at daybreak I had the magic text telling me I was free to rejoin the human race! So I thought I'd better make some effort.
A few months back Robbie built me a new storeroom at one end of my studio, somewhere to store everything ,I decided. and I mean, everything.
I struck a couple of problems once I'd emptied stuff out the studio (into the new storeroom) so it became a very elegant gallery.
1. It was almost too elegant. I'm not an elegant person and each time I made a mess working I felt like I had to tidy it away.Into the new storeroom.
2. There was so much in the storeroom that to get to anything I had to move lots of other stuff. Everything is stored on plan drawers and shelves, but of course other stuff decided to be propped in front of, on top of or around, leading to several avalanches and quite a bit of unladylike language.
So this afternoon I sat down with a cup of tea and a tape measure and sorted it all out...now the store room is home to all of my materials and equipment, and everything else has moved back into the studio.And the weird thing is that once I'd. moved things around the studio there was no more there than when I'd started. I still have lots of lovely airy space- figure that one out!
It's nice to be back in the real world, stay safe :)